& Angela
The Italian Restaurant
If you wanted to go to Ristorante
you wouldn't find it.
Ristorante Positano moved to Wilshire Boulevard
and became
Enzo & Angela.

Once again I had the chance to
go for dinner to my favorite Italian restaurant in Los Angeles.
Though name and location changed in the meantime, it was a real
pleasure again. The new restaurant of Deirdre and her husband
Enzo is once more a charming and stylish place with a wonderful
composed menu and friendly staff. Loved it the minute I went in.
Don't miss it!

Many years ago I received a letter from Angela Lansbury
telling me about this wonderful restaurant in Santa Monica called
Positano. By now it's no secret that the chef is her daughter,
also named Angela. Enzo and wife Angela always cooked together,
and from the moment I met them I was hooked on their terrific
Italian cuisine, and captivated by their devotion to eachother.
My original quotes about their restaurant referred to it as being
a gift waiting to be found. And I will always believe that if
the Italians didn't invent romance, they elevated it to an art
form through eating, and "holy cannoli," it does't matter
what you order because it's delicious. Anyway, I became a fan,
and have recently gone to their third-owned restaurant in California
called Enzo & Angela. The menu is marvelously appealing, with
all the combinations that LA likes; also prices that can help
the dating scene. Everything about the place is pleasant and charming,
whether one is looking for power-lunching, partying, or meeting
the girls for shopping. In addition, this particular mall is located
on the corner of Wilshire and Barrington where the Enzo &
Angela Terrace stands out boldly from the street making it easy
to find. They have their own second floor staircase, and like
a jewel in the crown, it's decked out in umbrella'd tables with
friendly cordial service people anxious to help.
This is
part of an article taken from entertainmenttoday.net
and reproduced for private use only.
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